Saturday, October 27, 2018

Journalism...A Very Important Profession

My post is back in Phoenix today and I'm featuring another building that is part of the downtown Phoenix campus of Arizona State University.  This is the Walter Cronkite School of Journalism.

Journalism plays such an important role in any democracy, it's good to know that students are pursuing careers in the field in spite of current political state of affairs.


  1. Good jounalists are so important for a society.

  2. It is good to see him remembered like that!

  3. Impressive architecture, and the ideal reporter to name the building for.

  4. Good journalists are always an important ingredient to society. I like that the building is named after Walter Cronkite, I always liked him and it's a nice tribute to him.

  5. What a handsome, modern building. Goodness, my alma mater has changed a lot over the past 50 years! Hope you're doing well, my friend!

  6. Good journalism is so important, and it's such a troubled profession these days. I'm always impressed when I hear about students going into the field now. I think, "Wow, YOU'RE brave!"

  7. Important more than ever these days Sharon, it is an impressive piece of architecture ✨
