Friday, July 27, 2018

St. Francis Xavier Church

Yesterday I posted a downtown church, today I'm posting an uptown church.  St. Francis Xavier church was completed in 1959 so it's not as old as yesterday's basilica.  It is a pretty church located on Central Avenue just south of Camelback Road.  I prefer this view through the palm trees and across the park-like area in front of the school that is attached to St. Francis.  Here is my picture from 10 years ago.

This concludes my reminiscing on the first few posts I made to this blog 10 years ago when it first started.  I'm sure there are some other sites I should do an update on and I'll plug them in whenever I find one.  Thanks for coming along with me while reviewed what I was doing a decade ago.


  1. Nice looking church, like the huge mural

  2. THis is a really nice view of it, Sharon! It's a good idea to go back and take another look at some things - I may do so too.

  3. It's a beauty! I can't recall seeing one in that style here.

  4. The church is pretty impressive. Thanks for sharing those decade old photos with us, it was fun to see the differences.

  5. I like today's photo much more than your earlier one. It must be satisfying to look back and see that your work is now better.

  6. The church looks great, beautiful picture with those palms, Sharon !

  7. Beautiful!

    Do you have photos of the inside?

  8. That church does look very '50s. I think it's that bit sculpture on the outside.
