Monday, April 30, 2018

Mexican Village

The inside of the Arriba Mexican Restaurant is painted with murals in almost all of the rooms.  I always liked this one of a street scene.  It kind of reminds me of a street in Nogales Mexico, south of Tucson, just across the border.  The only exception is that I've never been there when the streets were that quiet.  It's always busy in that town.

In another of the dining rooms, the mural is more tropical with the beach close by and that church in the background.  It's all there to make you feel like you are really dining in Mexico.


  1. The art work is stunning. Also challenging to photograph but you did very well.

  2. Beautiful ! A cerveza for me too.

  3. They look beautiful, you feel almost thrown into the images.

  4. It looks like a Mexican version of de Chirico -- kind of surreal and lonely.

  5. They look amazing Sharon, bet they're a real conversation starter!

  6. The murals also have an effect of making the room feel larger.

  7. A fine post! Lovely murals. Lovely setting. So how's the food? I remember Nogales, and yes, it was always jammed with people.

  8. They have done a fine job with the decor in this restaurant, Sharon!

  9. The murals look so real, it's quite the look and I imagine the atmosphere inside is nice and refreshing. Great pics, Sharon.

  10. I like it. Would go there often!

  11. These murals are beautiful and give the restaurant a great atmosphere too.

  12. The art work is painstakingly done and appears to have accomplished the goal of Mexican decor and intimacy.

  13. Definitely my kind of place. Bet the food is as interesting as the murals.

  14. Found your blog the way of Biebkriebels and it look like one would be part of the mural.
    If you have the time stop in for a cup of coffee

  15. Truly fine art work and so appropriate. If the food's as good as the art, this place must be a huge success! I've been in Nogales a number of times. Went fishing in Guaymas, Mexico once, about 1961, I think, and almost got arrested in Nogales but that's a story for another day! Thanks for your warm welcome back. It is so good to "see" all my good friends again!
