Sunday, April 29, 2018

Just a House

What is it about this house that attracts me?  I look admiringly at it every time I pass by which is quite often.  I finally stopped to take a photo.  I think it might be the combination of the red brick and those white pillars.  It's not big or elaborate or sprawling.  In fact it's quite modest.  It just looks so...homey.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I've posted a bit about my recent trip to California to see Sunnylands.


  1. The roof, the brickwork and the shadow place behind the pilars makes it a picture perfect!

  2. Hmmm...I think it's the white pillars. They remind you of the White House and your desire to someday be the first woman president! That's what I think! It is a cute little house for sure! :)

    BTW, I'll vote for you.

  3. It is a lovely house, I like.
    MAny greetings
    Maria from
    Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

  4. I think it has a nice scale about it that welcomes you. I bet it is comfy inside, Sharon!

  5. I really like the red brick, it very attractive especially with the white pillars in front.

  6. I like red brick houses and I like the shade and greenery.

  7. It's unusual, architecturally. The general style is American/Western but it has those neo-classic columns. The palm tree dwarfs all of it. I'd like to see it in person.

  8. It's a cute house. I wonder if those pillars originally came from another structure. They look like salvaged elements that were built onto the house.

  9. It's a lovely house Sharon.. I'm not sure about the pillars though ☺

  10. It looks small and manageable; perhaps that is the appeal?

  11. Maybe its that spacious feeling in the front.
    I like houses that has a lot of space all around.
