Thursday, February 22, 2018

Taking in the View

Two weekends ago, my friend David and I attended a Phoenix Symphony event on a beautiful Sunday afternoon.  Standing on the raised area around Symphony Hall, I spotted this view that takes in the Hyatt Hotel in downtown Phoenix.  After the concert, David and were going to meet a friend for a drink in the revolving restaurant at the top of the hotel.

We walked over there and discovered that the restaurant was closed for the evening for a private event.  So before we left to find a new location, I snapped this photo of some new decor in the hotel lobby.  I'm not sure what to make of these wooden heads!


  1. Beautiful light in that first photo. I agree , I am not so fond of antlers on the wall, either from wood or real.

  2. Bummer about the restaurant! I think wooden heads are better than real ones -- at least there's something sculptural about them. I've never been much for taxidermy!

  3. A fine evening downtown Phoenix!
    I rather like these sculptured heads & antlers as the wood is beautifully carved.

  4. That must have been some fancy event if it closed the whole restaurant!

  5. The heads are unusual. There's a circular restaurant on top of one of our hotels downtown. I don't know if it's revolving.

  6. What a lovely way to spend the afternoon Sharon. The stag heads make a dramatic image, super shadows ☺

  7. Those are some interesting heads on the wall. The antlers looks a bit intimidating so I'm glad they aren't real!

  8. I like the wooden heads and their shadows, Sharon!

  9. The hotel is pretty and to top it off is a rotating restaurant, very cool. The carved antlers make great shadows.

  10. The wooden heads, as the case may be, are either Texas Longhorns or Arizona Longhorns. I'd vote for the latter! :) It they were real, however, I'd have to think these represent wooden heads in the Texas legislature!

  11. At least no animals were harmed in the making of that artwork.
