Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Back in Sync

Yesterday I posted a northern winter scene from my weekend trip to Oregon.  Today I thought it would be appropriate to post much more familiar scenes for the Phoenix area.  Like this gorgeous sunset with the looming palm trees.

Or, this shapely pair of palm trees in someone's front yard.

Or this row of tall palm trees against a blue sky!  That's more like it!

Snow is a lot of fun for a day or two, but I'll take the warm sun and palm trees of Arizona.


  1. Ahhhh that looks so much warmer! The last shot of the palm trees is beautiful!

  2. Oh, thank goodness. You've come to your senses and are back in the land of warmth and palm trees, where you don't need to bundle up like Santa just to go outside to get the mail or run to the store. I was a little worried 'cause Oregon was pretty and snow is sneaky when it's freshly fallen and some folks think it's not so bad but they forget cold mornings and icy roads and smashing into trees and rocks and mountains.

    Welcome back!

  3. You are right about the sunset... it is gorgeous.

  4. Those palmtrees are glorious! I can still remember the first sight at them on holiday in the South of France. We don't have them here around.

  5. I would not mind being surrounded by palm trees!

  6. I bet you will have to wear a jacket outside this morning though. It was 18 here this morning.

  7. Oh my gosh Sharon! You could not possibly get two more different scenes as here and yesterday's post :) I love them both but I do envy you your little taste of a winter wonderland!

  8. That's a fabulous sunset with those palm silhouettes !

  9. What a gorgeous sunset. Those palm trees are awesome, very pretty.

  10. Beautiful Sharon! The first one is my favorite though.

  11. Three very fine takes on life in the desert southwest.
