Monday, February 5, 2018

Play That Horn

Remember when I told you about visiting the bar in downtown Phoenix called Melinda's Alley?  That's the one with the red lights inside and the entrance is in an alley through the mural of Melinda.

Well there is a new mural in that same alley and it's by the same artist, Hugo Medina.  You might remember that I introduced you to Hugo when I visited an art exhibit that featured his work.

I love this new one with a musical theme.  It's kind of a tribute to the horn player.


  1. This is beautiful mural. Looks like it was a awkward position to get a good shot.

  2. Interesting how it focuses just on the hands!

  3. A very nice shot of a very nice mural. I imagine you had to work a bit to get the shot as it's so tucked into the alleyway.

  4. Nothing like blowing your own trumpet & Hugo has done a great job here!

  5. This is very nice indeed. Looks like it was a tight shot but you did a fantastic job.

  6. Is that anywhere near the Nash? Seems like it would be a good one for the jazz club.

  7. Love this!

    I like when artwork shows up in unexpected places.

  8. Excellent discovery Sharon, this one is super cool!
