Thursday, January 11, 2018

In-Fill Housing

A few weeks ago I took a long walk heading in a different direction than I usually take.  I was walking through a neighborhood of modest homes that have been there for many decades.  In fact, I used to live on one of the streets I walked on back in the 1970's.  However, the neighborhood has changed a lot since then.  The older places are still there but there has been quite a lot of in-fill construction for multi-housing units squeezed in between the older homes.  The one pictured above certainly has a rather stark, almost prison-like look to it.  But I like the way the symmetry of it makes a nice photo.

Just a block down the street from the first one was this condo building with a very traditional, almost colonial looking facade.  There is certainly an eclectic mix of architecture along this street.


  1. I know which I prefer, the second ones

  2. Prison like aptly describes the first set of buildings...

  3. I do absolutely like the second units better Sharon, but I'm really curious as to what the first units might look like inside!

  4. The first ones remind me of storage locker buildings. Hopefully they have a nicer side!

  5. That is a strange mix of architecture! I kind of like that stark-looking modern building. Wonder what the units are like inside?

  6. The second set suits me a lot better. A lot of in-fill here tends to lean towards the units in that first shot.

  7. Sure Do Appreciate The Birds of a Feather Photos


  8. I do like the second units better, Sharon.

  9. It appears to be unanimous! Everyone for #2!!!! But then, we can't see enough of the first group of units to make an informed decision. You'll just have to hike back there one of these days and take more photos. Please?

  10. I can see how the first photo seems like a prison, just a guardhouse and it will look right at home. I join the crowd and like the second one much better. It looks more like a place you could call home.

  11. I'm not sure which one I like, the first one reminds me of all the apartment blocks that are being built here but it sort of reminds me of a concrete jungle.
