Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Fool Me Once.....

When I stopped at the Japanese Friendship Garden last week I got kind of excited at the sight of two swans in the little lake.  I had never seen swans here before.  As I snapped a couple of photos, something in the back of my mind was saying "something is not quite right here".  Sure enough, upon closer inspection I saw that they were plastic swans floating on the lake.  Why on earth would they put plastic swans in the water?  I have no idea.  Do you suppose they are supposed to attract the real thing?


  1. Ha! How weird. We've certainly got surplus swans here in London. I could send some over, maybe?

  2. The price of maintenance probably... in winter they have to be move away...
    The picture is bluffing.

  3. I wonder why there are no swans around here. Too hot would be my guess. We have some white ducks on the pond in the park and sometimes people think they are swans. I guess plastic swans are better than no swans.

  4. They do look authentic and I can see how they'd fool someone. I dunno why someone would do this. It might be simply the result of a bad dream! Maybe he dreamt he was "checking out" and this was his swan song! :)

  5. This is an intriguing mystery that needs to be solved for inquiring minds. A call to the Japanese Garden perhaps?

  6. My guess is that they are there for a little bling in the lake. Quite odd!

  7. I was initially fooled by the same swans when I was there.

  8. Fake swans! How strange and kind of funny. :) They would fool just about anyone, they look so real.

  9. Oh that's hilarious Sharon.. I enjoyed the 'decoy' theory 😀

  10. Brilliant colors in this image, Sharon !

  11. haha, this made my day! seriously??? plastic! that's the first for me.

  12. From this end they really look very real!!

    Real or not the picture is fabulous!
