Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Tasting Champagne!

Last Saturday I met some friends at a place just down the street from me for a champagne tasting event.  The store had sent invitations to their regular customers to come in for a free champagne tasting that included some very expensive champagnes.  I do on rare occasions get to enjoy a bottle of Veuve Clicquot but, I haven't indulged in the very expensive versions since my days in the consulting business.  I got to taste an all-time favorite of the Clicquot family of bubbly, the Grande Dame along with a wonderful vintage rose'.

I also got a taste of the famous "Cristal" that I've heard so much about.  That is one I had never tasted before.

The event drew quite a crowd and the small shop was wall to wall with people, glasses and bubbles.  It was a lot of fun.

I was glad to find a few that were excellent and yet still in my price range.  Let the celebrating begin!


  1. How fab Sharon, there's nothing quite like a glass of bubbly!

  2. Now that sounds like fun, Sharon!

  3. Not surprising that it was well attended and that looks rather like Father Christmas off duty behind the counter!

  4. That looks like a very posh event! I don't think I've ever been to a champagne-tasting event. I've been to wine tastings that included sparkling wine, but nothing specific to champagne. I'm envious!

  5. Please send me a glass of Veuve Clicquot :)

  6. It's been a long while since I've had champagne. I did take in some of the wine tasting at embassy events this year.

  7. How fun Sharon! It sounds wonderful.

  8. What a great way to show appreciation to the regular customers. Sounds like it was a fun event.

  9. I think men attending champagne tastings should be in tuxedoes yet there are two guys in ball caps and one of them is wearing shorts. I guess my fantasy Fred Astaire days are gone forever.

  10. A nice event. They must have lost their shirts that night.

  11. Father Christmas seems to be enjoying his show too. What a better way to anticipate celebrations?
