Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Roses in Bloom

There is a rose garden at the Scottsdale Civic Center Park located around one of the water features in front of City Hall.  I could smell them as I approached and the scent was wonderful.  As I got closer I could see that they were blooming beautifully.  I think I like this one the best.

But, there were other pretty ones to admire too.  I just couldn't get over how they were perfuming the air.  It was wonderful.


Karl said...

Beautiful !

Christine said...

Gorgeous and so delicate!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

All three are beautiful Sharon, how fabulous the perfume of roses, j'adore!

RedPat said...

I always have a hard time choosing a favorite since they are all so beautiful!

Steve Reed said...

Beautiful pictures and beautiful roses! Our roses are nearly done for the winter, though we have a couple of bushes still straggling along with blossoms.

Roseann said...

So nice to find that those roses have fragrance. Nowadays everything you can buy is greenhouse grown and have no perfume.

William Kendall said...

They are exquisite.

Catalyst said...

In our last home there was a neighbor down the street who had big rose bushes in her yard that seemed to bloom year-around. I was always amazed but grateful for the beauty.

Lowell said...

Your photos are so rich and lush and delightful I can smell these flowers all the way over here in Ocala! Gorgeous shots, Sharon!

Aimz said...

Beautiful roses!

Bill said...

The roses are beautiful. The red one is stunning.

Lois said...

Lovely colors. I think the third one is my favorite!

Judy Ryer said...

Roses in November!