Thursday, November 2, 2017

Hot Mess

I do enjoy contemporary art and I'm always interested in new and different things.  However, I will admit that there are always pieces of art that I just don't get.  This is one of them.  I don't think the artist is necessarily at fault.  I think it has more to do with my own sense artistic style and interest.

The Phoenix Art Museum has opened a new exhibit called Hot Mess Formulation by the contemporary artist Sheila Pepe.  Ms. Pepe is best known for fiber based, large scale installations.  The piece I have pictured (yes, all three photos are one piece) is called "91BCE Not So Good for Emperors" and it goes from the gallery floor all the way to the second floor of the museum.

The description for this piece says "Here the improvisational, drawing-like quality of Pepe's work becomes inextricably bound with her use of materials linked to family traditions such as crocheting passed down from her mother, to shoelaces referencing her grandfather's work repairing shoes."

So now you know as much as I do.  I'm certainly not sorry I went to see it.  I guess I just can't appreciate it as much as another person might.  You can form your own opinion.


Billy Blue Eyes said...

Sorry not my cup of tea

Christine said...

I am impressed by the scale of this but I can't form any kind of a connection with this art.

RedPat said...

A very diplomatic post, Sharon!

Lowell said...

I'm in agreement with you, also. In my mind, this is what children do and for which they get sent to their room! I see no connection whatsoever with art. And I don't think it's just a matter of "to each his/her own." That would mean there are no norms, no way to describe "art."

But it is a free country (well, sort of) so if people want to create messes like this, that's fine. But I think they ought to be required to clean them up. :)

Karl said...

Interesting pictures, Sharon.

Lois said...

I'm with you on this one Sharon! The title seems appropriate though.

Thérèse said...

Your title makes sense. We had a similar "piece of art" not far from here made of plastic tape...

Steve Reed said...

It certainly is LARGE. I wonder if it's "not so good for emperors" because wearing it would be tantamount to being naked -- like the emperor's new clothes?

William Kendall said...

Peculiar comes to mind with these. I find with contemporary art that it depends on the individual piece or artist to appeal to me or not.

Judy Ryer said...

I'm sure you can guess my opinion.

Aimz said...

I actually don't mind it, I don't know if you could call it average art but I'm sure it fits in somewhere.

Bill said...

Strange is all I can come up with, it's definitely different.

Catalyst said...


Kate said...

Looks like the artist is trying to string you along, Sharon. Very different pieces that make it hard for me to relate to.