Saturday, November 25, 2017

Chipmunks all Around

I stopped at Berridge Nursery last week to see the Christmas Decorations.   They always have a huge array of professionally decorated Christmas trees and they are so much fun to see.  However, I fell in love with these adorable little carved chipmunks.  They were so beautifully displayed playing among the fall foliage.  I would have loved to take one home with me but, I didn't.


Judy Ryer said...

The little critters are so cute. As for the fall foliage, I have that all over my backyard right now.

William Kendall said...

You can always go back and get one!

Lowell said...

They are so cute and realistic. At first I thought the one with really bright stripes in the first photo was real! But I'm getting old and some claim I have a touch of dementia so you'll have to excuse that. I agree with William. Hie yourself back there and bring one home. You could have it above your front door on a string so that when someone you didn't much life arrived and opened the door the chipmunk would land on his/her shoulder. Be sure to film their reaction, though!

You're welcome.

Christine said...

Such a sweet display & the chipmunks are adorable!

Catalyst said...

Chipmunks live or carved are a joy to watch. (sidebar: we watched Being There again recently and loved Peter Sellers: I like to watch.)

RedPat said...

They are really sweet, Sharon! And I like the burlap acorn in the 1st pic too.

Bill said...

The chipmunks are cute and look fantastic in the display that is set up. And they are carved, I love items carved from wood, they are impressive to see.

Aimz said...

Cute little things, I've never seen one - we don't have them here.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

What a delightful display Sharon, enjoyed by both young and not so young I bet!

Thérèse said...

So full of charm!