Tuesday, November 14, 2017

All That Glitters....

...is not gold!
I was at the mall over the weekend when this glittery, shiny and glaringly bright window display caught my eye.  So I stopped to take a photo.  I recognized the form of the balloon dog, which is one of the signature sculptures by artist Jeff Koons but, I couldn't figure what the artist had to do with Louis Vuitton.

I did a little research when I got home.  It turns out that the artist, Jeff Koons has teamed up with Louis Vuitton to create a collection of bags based on some very famous old masters by the likes of da Vinci, Van Gogh and Turner.  

So they are offering a line of handbags with images of a few art world masterpieces and according to one site I visited, shoppers are not amused.  One comment made reference to how LV spends a lot of time and money battling "knock-offs" and now they've done the knocking-off of the great masters (so to speak).  Another person commented that they looked like souvenir bags that you might get in the museum gift shop.  Ouch! It will be interesting to note if I see any of these on the arms of any women around town.  There won't be any on my arm.   But hey, that window is a show stopper.


Lowell said...

I can see why these "sculptures" caught your eye. These days, however, just about anything goes in order to sell products. All of this looks way too pricey for me.

Steve Reed said...

I wonder what Turner would say. I somehow doubt that he would be impressed. But you never know!

Lois said...

Pretty sculptures, but you won't see one on my arm either. In fact, LV left a bad taste in my mouth this past summer when I was standing in front of their store in downtown Warsaw, Poland. I happened to lean on the glass wall outside the entrance for a few minutes while waiting for my daughter and a stern man in a suit came out of the store and told me to move. He was extremely rude!

Thérèse said...

I read about the new line of bags... well not to my taste, I prefer to see the original paintings in the museums but tastes are so diverse and prices too...
Your pictures are wonderful with these colors.

William Kendall said...

It does sound like a marketing idea that'll seriously backfire.

Christine said...

I love the artistic window but not the idea of "stealing " art for profit

RedPat said...

Seems rather tacky, doesn't it?

Judy Ryer said...

That's different.

Aimz said...

They're not my cup of tea but the artist/creator is very clever though

Bill said...

Why can't people come up with their own creations rather than ripping off someone else for profit. Very lame, I think.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Absolutely eye-catching Sharon! Isn't it interesting what we bloggers discover when we're putting together a post :)