Monday, September 25, 2017

Three Birds

Back in 2012, I posted about a brand new mural that had been painted near downtown Phoenix in an area that has become a vibrant arts district. It was of three birds and I loved that mural.  You can see that post here.

In 2015, the building where the mural was painted was demolished to make way for another apartment complex and it almost broke my heart when I heard that wonderful mural was gone.

The original 2012 mural was the artist Lauren Lee's very first mural and the fact that it was demolished raised a lot of publicity and angst in the arts community.

Well, fast forward a few years and those apartments are now done and I was pleased to see that Lauren Lee was commissioned to reproduce the birds in a new format.  The new piece is called Three Birds in Flight and it was done in three panels that are now fixed to the wall of the apartment complex that replaced the original building.

These are wonderful and I'm pleased that they are back where they belong but, I still like those original Three Birds the best.

The artist loved them so much that she had them tattooed on her upper arm!  


  1. I remember the first three birds Sharon, so sad that they had to go but that's the tenuous life of street art for you! It's wonderful that the artist was commissioned to redo the birds in this way, they are an inspirational sight!

  2. I love this story, Sharon! The new murals (mural) are great!

  3. No question that these birds are beautiful but what I also like is that they are on panels affixed to the building instead of on the building itself. And I love your got the colors perfectly.

  4. Very sad that the first one had to go, but these are pretty too!

  5. There are some nice bright colors on that new building. It's nice that you got such good pictures of the old building and mural since street art does not last forever. I like both murals.

  6. Interesting background story. It's sad that the building had to be demolished taking the mural with it. I like this one a lot and I also like that they are attached to the building, if they for some reason need to move them then they can. The other mural was beautiful but this is a worthy replacement.

  7. I have to applaud the owners of the new apartment building. Going back to the original artist seems to me to be more than a fair way to compensate for the loss of the original mural. And, these birds are the ones she wanted to paint this time, so I defer to the artist on her choice. Looks pretty good to me.
