Sunday, September 24, 2017

Sunday Outing

It's a beautiful Sunday here in sunny Arizona and the temperatures have finally fallen to sane levels.  In fact, it's predicted to reach only 87 degrees today and will start out in the low 70's.

It's time for me to spread my wings and get out to experience some nature.

You can bet I'll be taking a long walk today! 

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's another Sunday outing but much further away.


  1. Nice photos. Paying attention to what is going on around you has paid off.

  2. It is going up to 33˚C here today but with humidity making it feel like 40˚C so I won't be going far. We never had any heat all summer and are getting it now in the fall. Crazy climate changes!

  3. Lovely shots! I suspect it might be hotter here today than it is there- we've had a warm, humid spell for two weeks now without rain after a rainy summer, and today feels like it's the hottest day of that period.

  4. Glad to hear your temps have moderated. Ours have also, but only slightly. I like all three of these photos but the first one is extra special because of the sharpness and the contrast between the stamen and the petal (I think that's what that's called.)

  5. Nice photos Sharon. The first one is absolutely beautiful.
    Enjoy your day.

  6. Oh it's so nice to have a cooler day Sharon, it makes you really want to get out and about more. Super shots here, love the light in the acorn image ✨
