Monday, September 4, 2017

A Tribute to First Responders

Today is Labor Day in the United States so I thought this might be an appropriate time to pay tribute to all the first responders everywhere and especially to those in south Texas who have so bravely dealt with a storm catastrophe the likes of which has not been seen before.  I tip my hat and say thank you to all the brave men and women who so valiantly rescued their stranded and endangered neighbors.


  1. That's a very timely tribute. Well said, Sharon!

  2. Sometimes we take them for granted. They deserve more.

  3. They deserve all the accolades they get, lovely tribute here Sharon and excellent sculpture.

  4. what a timely, well stated post. Thank you!

  5. Yes. The stones remind me of the memorial pools at the World Trade Center.

  6. Well said Sharon, I agree. I love the sculpture, it's beautiful.

  7. A thoughtful choice for the day, and it is a well-executed piece of art!!

  8. A most appropriate post, Sharon. I spent most of my career in the electric utility industry, and grew to admire the line workers who head out to restore service in the very worst conditions. I always thought it was amusing that in normal times I was pretty senior and a "big shot," but in storms, I was sent home because I was useless.

  9. Beautiful sculpture, great tribute.

  10. They are all Heros for doing what they do

  11. An ideal choice for the occasion. We've got the city and national monuments to them here.
