Friday, August 18, 2017

Pointing the Camera Up

Sometimes when I walk around downtown Phoenix, I point my camera toward the sky and capture the tops of some of the high-rise buildings.  This one isn't very tall but, it's been downtown for a very long time.

This one with the balconies is much newer and is an apartment building.  It was built to be condos but, when it opened in the middle of the housing crisis there wasn't a market for new houses so it switched to apartment living.

These two of course, are your standard office buildings.  It's fun to look up at the tops of these buildings.


  1. THe details on the older building are well worth looking at and studying!

  2. There is even an arrow pointing towards the sky! Nice looking building this first one.

  3. They all have their virtues but the first one is so beautiful, Sharon!

  4. They are all nice Sharon. The first one is special and shows its character. Thanks for looking up. :)

  5. I wondered if that first one was the Luhrs Tower but I'm not even sure it still exists.

  6. Older buildings, especially, always put a lot of ornamentation at the top -- which is confusing since it's hard to see from the street!
