Thursday, August 17, 2017

Avoiding the Train Wreck

I've been trying to avoid the train wreck that is going on here in the good old U. S. of A.  It's pretty much impossible at the moment.  So rather than lamenting the lack of moral fiber of the current occupant of the white house, I thought I'd check out my photos from my last visit to the Desert Botanical Garden and sooth my outraged mind with the profound beauty of mother nature.

Just keeping up with the breaking news is exhausting.  I'll stop for just a moment and smell the flowers and listen to the birds.  I'm sure it will do wonders for my disposition.


  1. Beautiful photos of the birds and I love the water lilies you showed yesterday

  2. We do have to take a step back and just enjoy the beauty that still exists around us.
    Beautiful shots!

  3. Mother Nature can be a great healer.

  4. I understand how you feel, Sharon! These pics make a nice break from all the craziness in your country.

  5. It's a crazy world at the moment. Nice photo here.

  6. A pretty pair of shots. Just the tonic one needs.

  7. Nice photos Sharon. The bird and butterfly shows us the beauty in nature.

  8. What a pretty bird! The constant onslaught of bad news wears one out. Time to recharge in the beauty of nature.

  9. Two wonderful pictures, Sharon, love the butterfly.

  10. Great shots! Yes, sometimes we all just have to turn off the news and pay attention to our immediate surroundings.

  11. It's almost a necessity to stop and get out into nature Sharon, you would go mad if you didn't and we wouldn't get to see the results of your excursion ☺
