Thursday, April 20, 2017

Back Down to Earth

After a week of touring the gardens of all those luxury homes, I thought it would be good to come back down to earth with something a little more humble.  I found this home in the Coronado Historic District.  I don't think a landscaper designed this yard.  I think it's strictly a creation of the homeowner.  It might look a little jumbled to the passer-by but, I bet everything in that yard is important to someone.


  1. I like its rustic honesty and beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

  2. Looks rather like our neighbor's back yard! Actually, I like this because I don't see any grass to cut or worry about!

  3. It looks lived-in and has character. I like it!

  4. It's not how big or fancy your home is, It's how happy you are living there. I bet the people in this house are at least as happy as the ones in the other houses.

  5. Quite a difference but I bet they know every plant there, Sharon!

  6. This house sure is different and I like it. It seems simple and lived in.

  7. I like it too! Probably a lot of love went into that place.

  8. They say every man's home is his castle Sharon, this is a castle with character ☺

  9. You are right. I like the color chosen for the house walls.

  10. The landscaping appears to obscure the front of the house. I'm curious about the architecture.

  11. After I have a run of photographing grand stuff, I also feel the need to mix it up with something far more modest. like this. Wouldn't it be interesting to learn if the rich folks are happier or less happy than the residents of this place?
