Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Theme Day: Black & White in Color

As most of you know, the first of the month is always theme day for City Daily Photo Bloggers.  Everyone posts a photo based on one chosen theme.  The theme for March is "Black and White in Color" and we were in search of a photo subject that looks black and white even though we took it in color.  I had one picked out and was ready to use it until last weekend when I made a visit to the Heard Museum to see a new gallery they recently opened.  That's where I found a huge India Ink and Charcoal drawing by Tony Abeyta that covered one whole wall.  This is just a tiny section of it.  It's amazing.  I'll show you more of it tomorrow!

If you would like to see the theme presented by other City Daily Photo Bloggers, click the link.


  1. Very interesting. Looking forward to seeing more.

  2. Unusual, Sharon. Perfect because it is artistic; I always enjoy your Heard Museum posts!!

  3. Well that was a lucky find Sharon.. tres cool mural, so many details even in this little piece. Perfect for the theme 😊

  4. Really a great find Sharon, perfect for this theme !

  5. Neat! Looking forward to seeing the rest.

  6. That is very cool, Sharon. I like it a lot!

  7. It looks cool. Good choice for Theme Day.

  8. Quite a mural, Sharon. Now you can show us the rest of the mural and then show the runner-up that was displaced.

  9. It's beautiful Sharon and a perfect choice for this month's theme. Can't wait to see more of it!
