Sunday, March 5, 2017

Stories Worth Singing

Across the street from the Phoenix Art Museum is the new headquarters of the Arizona Opera Company.  They've been in this building about two years now.  I had to take the photo through the light rail line so sorry about all the wires.  That banner to the left says "Stories Worth Singing", an appropriate motto for the opera.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I've found a little known Southern California gem.


  1. I like the banner motto a lot...that's exactly what opera is all about. The building...well, it lacks that ol' "opera" feeling. I have a feeling, though, that you're an opera fan. ;)

  2. I do enjoy a bit a opera myself Sharon although it's been a while since I've been to any live events. Your opera House has a very modern looking exterior.

  3. Not as elaborate as I would have imagined it to be. It's nice that it's so close to the rail.

  4. I think I need to clarify on this one. This isn't where they perform, it's their offices and rehearsal space.

  5. Quite a modern design for their working space.

  6. We have had Minnesota Opera subscriptions for years and even without formal musical training, I enjoy them all. Only wish they weren't so long--makes for a late evening!

  7. We don't have an opera here, but I did get to enjoy an opera performance when I was in Italy last summer.
