Saturday, March 4, 2017

Phoenix Art Museum Odds and Ends

While I was looking through my photos from the Phoenix Art Museum to find the two I posted yesterday, I found quite a few photos I had never posted in a variety of places around the museum.  So, today I have an assortment of odds and ends all from the art museum.  Above is a view of the entrance with the fountain in the foreground.  I love that fountain that has a long beam-like arm that hangs over the pool with a double waterfall.

Right up by the front door is another little fountain with a beautiful wall sculpture in the background.

One time when I was on the second floor I took this photo looking down on the hall that leads from the museum entrance area into the galleries.  

Another long hallway on the second floor leads from one end of the museum to the other.  It's a sort of bridge that spans over a garden area below.

Here's one for my readers who are long time Phoenix residents.  This was taken back when they had that wonderful display of all kinds of designer shoes.  This shoe is from the Goldwater's Department Store.  Anyone remember that store?  I loved shopping there when I first moved to Phoenix.  It has long since been swallowed up by one of the big department store chains.

And, this last photo is from the current display in the designer fashion gallery.  The reason I snapped this photo is that I once owned  this set.  (That's probably way too much information, right?)
The display label says it's by Vanity Fair from the 60's and it was certainly the 60's when I had the set.  

Vanity Fair lingerie was not expensive so I can assure you I didn't pay designer prices.  It just brought back some memories.  


  1. A truly wonderful art space, Sharon!
    The Vanity fair lingerie is so glamorous!

  2. Love the simple lines of the museum's architecture. The figure on the wall sculpture is so Navajo!!

  3. A beautiful building! I'd enjoy visiting there.

  4. Can you imagine how many unused photos we all have Sharon ☺ when you were looking down from the second floor it was good to see children coming into the museum, I love to see parents encouragingly their children to enjoy visits to museums and galleries, never too soon! Oh la! About the lingerie, moi aussi.. and maybe even still.. too much information 😀😀

  5. This is a very nice museum and a real asset to the community. And yes, I remember Barry and his store very well. I may have told you that "we" tried to start a new newspaper back in the day which was a liberal paper compared to the one run by the right wing guy from Indiana. Barry didn't like that because the new paper criticized him - I was one who wrote in and did that. So he told Goldwater store advertisers that if they advertised in the new paper, he would remove their ads from the regular paper which would mean, of course, that their main source of advertising would be cut off. Well, it didn't take long before the new paper folded as all their advertisers bowed down to Goldwater's extortion. Those were the days!

  6. Love that first fountain! And the lingerie! I don't think they even have half slips anymore. It would lift the spirits to know you have those on under a simple dress!
