Sunday, March 12, 2017

North and South

Last weekend we had some heavy skies that looked like they might pour down with rain at any moment.  They didn't.  We got a few sprinkles here and there but that's all.  I was driving on a residential street in Paradise Valley when I decided to stop and get a shot of those low hanging clouds.  This view is looking to the north.

I turned around and took another shot looking to the south and what a difference.  Patches of blue amongst some scattered white clouds.  Honestly, I am standing in the exact same spot for both of these photos.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  How many golfers are out there?


  1. If you have a choice go south. The weather looks better there.

  2. This kind of thing happens often here. We have crazy weather. It's probably because we have so many old, crazy people moving here.

  3. Such a contrast Sharon, it happens like this so often. What a very looong road, the repairs in the tarmac look familiar ☺ I'm very happy to say our skies turned grey and wet today, such a relief after the heat and humidity!

  4. Looks pretty in both directions!

  5. What a difference the light makes, and the direction of the sun!

  6. What a contrast in skies, just by turning around!

  7. I'm with andy on this one - go south!

  8. I like the way you contrasted the two different directions.
