Monday, March 13, 2017

Butterfly Encore

I went back to the Desert Botanical Garden and the Butterfly Pavilion last week on a sunny day this time.  There were no crowds at all so it was much easier to snap some shots of these beauties.  And, it was unseasonably warm which means the butterflies were very active flying all around and stopping to taste the flowers.  I like the white on white effect in the top shot.

I heard a lady say she loved the one's that look like a tiger and I had never thought of that before.  They do kind of look like a tiger.  They are called Gulf Fritillary.  After I took this shot, he flew around the back of this plant so.....

....I took a shot from the underside.  Wow, it's even prettier from underneath.

The Giant Swallowtail butterflies are rather difficult to photograph.  When they stop to take a sip from the flowers, they beat their beautiful wings almost like a hummingbird does.  I snapped 20 shots of these hoping for the best.

Out of twenty shots, these two were the only ones that looked acceptable.

Someone mentioned when I posted the butterflies last week that they've seen some of these in the wild in Florida.  That makes sense because the garden gets their supply of butterflies from a butterfly farm in Florida.


  1. Sharon you did a great job in photographing them. They are such beautiful colourful creatures.

  2. It's really nice to see them again. Spring must be close by.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. You got some very impressive photos of these beautiful creatures!

  4. Great shots, as always! That white-on-white one is really stunning and frame-worthy! But the giant swallowtail pics are terrific too. I remember seeing both the swallowtails and the fritillaries in Florida.

  5. So beautiful. The first one is just perfect.

  6. Your shots of these beauties are wonderful Sharon!

  7. These shots are fabulous, Sharon!

  8. You got some wonderful shots Sharon. That first one is breathtaking!

  9. The top one looks like a wedding dress, the last like a design from Taliesin.

  10. Oh wow Sharon j'adore your butterfly photos, I agree with Bob the first shot is stunning, so delicate and fragile, bravo!

  11. Your photos are remarkably bright,vivid, and detailed. Absolutely lovely!!

  12. Your photos of the butterflies are terrific, especially the white one in the first shot and the beauty in the last two shots. In my previous house in Fort Myers, I had the rear of the house planted with butterfly attracting plants. It was wonderful seeing all of the butterflies out there. Unfortunately, my current house in Naples isn't suitable for that kind of a planting. I miss the butterflies.
