Tuesday, March 21, 2017

A Yellow Palette

So, yesterday I featured all the lavender flowers I saw at the Desert Botanical Garden and today I'm showing all the yellow I saw.  Above are some blooms on the Brittlebush plant.  Brittlebush grows everywhere in the desert so at this time of year, you can see yellow in every direction.

I found a small patch of yellow and purple pansies in a corner of the herb garden.  Pansies are such cheery flowers.

And, a favorite of mine, the Mexican Sunflower plant.  It gets as big as a tree and when it blooms, it has these big yellow flowers all over it.

It was blooming like crazy when I was there last Saturday.

Needless to say, the bees enjoy a taste of the Mexican Sunflowers too!


  1. Just as you did yesterday, you showed us some lovely flowers. I love the way yellow photographs--so bright and cheerful. The Mexican sunflower is a happy plant!

  2. Love yellow! It's such a warm and happy color. I'll never forget the first time I saw the desert in spring! Quite incredible.

  3. Floral sunshine! Yellow is such a happy colour Sharon, a real mood lifter! Tres jolie images☺

  4. It's so nice to have flowers coming back at this time of year!

  5. That combination of yellow and purple really catches my eye.

  6. I love yellow! My yellow iris are blooming right now.

  7. I love pansies but now that I've seen your Mexican sunflowers I love them too as they so vibrant and cheery!

  8. The yellow really is such a spring color, Sharon!

  9. Yellow is so vibrant and cheerful looking, it makes me smile.

  10. We left just before the yellows went out but we could feel the spring ready to go.

  11. These are all so pretty. You have a knack for photographing flowers.
