Sunday, February 12, 2017

Winter Blooms

Every year when I see these flowering pear trees start to bloom, I think it's way to early for them but, a quick look through my past photos reveals that it's right on time.  In fact, some of my past shots were taken  in late January.

I'm always looking up into these beautiful trees when I take these photos but, this time I was looking down.  I found a tree growing in a courtyard setting so I shot these images from above the tree.

These little white blooms are pretty from any angle.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  If you like beautiful patterns, be sure to check it out.


  1. Another snow storm coming here today. Your blooms brighten my day up. Thank you.

  2. So pretty and delicate Sharon.. I think the fruit tree blossoms are tres gorgeous, a bit like snowflakes on the branches oui ☺

  3. I can hardly wait for the trees to start blooming here.

  4. They are pretty!

    Here we have more snow today.

  5. I agree re their beauty. Not sure if we have those here, but we do have lots of flowering shrubbery and trees and I see signs they are beginning to bloom. I suspect folks living in the northlands are very appreciative of these floral photos.

  6. A nice sight to see this time of year, very pretty.

  7. You always do a beautiful job with flower macros. Some day you must teach me.
