Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Bees and The Flowers

The bees seem to love these tiny purple flowers.  They were all congregating around this plant at the Desert Botanical Garden when I was there last weekend.

Since the plant was hanging over the side of a wall, it put the flowers right at eye level so I could zoom in on these busy little creatures.

I hope they enjoy these blooms while they last.  If I remember correctly, this plant blooms early in the season and then is mostly green the rest of the year.

I love the way the garden has used the flowers around the edge of this 6 foot high planter.  It gave me a sort of sweeping view looking up at the tall cactus growing above me.


  1. Excellent photos Sharon. I like the colours.

  2. For a moment I thought summer had come! Lovely busy bee shots on those purple blooms! The last shot is great!

  3. What is that plant? Do you know? It looks a little like wisteria, but not quite.

  4. To bee or not to bee. You did good. My bee shots are usually a black and gold blur. Maybee sometime in the future I can do better?

  5. Very pretty. No flowers here yet.

  6. It sure is good to see healthy bees, Sharon! And to see flowers!

  7. Flowers and bees, a great combination. Nice colour too!

  8. What? No birds? Oh, I guess that's something for another post. :>

  9. Beautiful shots Sharon, I recognise the purple plant, I seem to remember it was quite a voracious creeper, beautiful but it really needs to be kept under control.

  10. Lovely purple-flower-and-bee images. And look at that blue sky! You have occasionally complained about your winter. Nothing looks bad in this post!
