Saturday, November 5, 2016

Stormy Skies

I took a late afternoon walk at the Desert Botanical Garden on Thursday just as a storm was rolling into the valley.  All those clouds made for some pretty dramatic skies while I was there.

There weren't many people there so it was an easy walk.  I finally got to photograph the new reflecting pool area without any people around.  It usually draws quite a crowd.

By the time I left, it was raining and there was quite a bit of lightening and thunder too.  It made for a "windows-open" kind of cool night.


  1. The dark clouds make a fascinating background.

  2. I love that reflection shot in the new pool!

  3. Three super shots with fantastic light, lots of drama, and the reflection shot is very beautiful!

  4. When you are used to blue sky all the time, seeing those dark clouds makes the pictures look so different and dramatic.

  5. Very moody shots. Some interesting greens among those desert plants, I see.

  6. It was like a totally different environment than you usually show us there, Sharon! Love the new pond.

  7. We had a lovely rainy day up here, too. That pool is fantastic.

  8. Super shots Sharon, I bet you loved that rain, every few spots count when it's been awhile since there's been any rain at all ☺

  9. Time for us to go to Arizona and discover all these new things.
