Friday, November 4, 2016

Halloween Mixed With Sports

I was at another Phoenix Sun's game last Sunday, the day before Halloween and I spotted Mr. Orange dressed for the occasion once again.  Usually he's all in orange but it looks like he's got a new outfit covered in orange pumpkins befitting of the end of October holiday.

And look, I'm not the only one who takes her camera to the games!


  1. The guy in the suit is certainly not a shy person.
    _へ__(‾◡◝ )>

  2. Mr Orange is so bright I'm surprised the teams aren't distracted!

  3. He just wasn't ready to give up on the Halloween spirit yet Sharon 😊 it's amazing how many people you see out and about with cameras these days!

  4. I wonder what possesses someone to find such a suit and then actually put it on and then, Lord help us, wear it in public? Amazing. :)

  5. Mr. Orange takes the occasion seriously!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I like the suit, crazy and fun at this time of the year :)

  8. Look at that guy!!! I am kind of afraid to take the big DSLR to games. I got kicked out of a UConn football game a few years ago for having too long a lens and I don't want to run the risk again. So, I bring a smaller camera, but it has an even longer zoom (though I don't like it very much).
