Sunday, July 31, 2016

Remembering Spring

It's the time of year when Phoenicians start to think about cooler temperatures.  We've suffered through two and a half months of extreme heat and we either want to get out of town to the mountains or stand in front of our refrigerators with the door open.  It won't be until late August before I can leave to enjoy some ocean air in California so instead I just dug through my spring time photos for reminders of the times when I could take long walks.

I took these photos back in April when I took a long walk in one of our historic neighborhoods where I found all kinds of flowers blooming.

I'm looking forward to those long walks again but, I'll have to wait a couple of more months.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm craving something that only Tucson has to offer.


  1. Very lovely reminder Sharon.

  2. Beautiful images Sharon. I know how you feel, by the time our summer is over we're all desperate for some cool. Mind you when I was out tonight taking theme day shots it was a chilly 12C brrrrr!

  3. Even here where it has been mid 30s˚C with really high humidity a lot of us are tired of the heat so I can only imagine how you must be feeling, Sharon!

  4. Lovely photos, Sharon. I know just how you feel. We sometimes hopped in the car and headed to San Diego for a cooling-down weekend. It's so hot here, too! High 90s almost every day with rising humidity. Unusual! But I'm also looking forward to September when we begin to get back to more liveable temperatures!

  5. Pretty spring memories. I wish it would cool off too. I miss my daily two mile walk through the park.

  6. Love your flowers! Unlike you I am so sad to know that summer is gradually coming to an end.

  7. Lupines! You must not have the same slug and snail problem that we have in our garden in London. I imagine dry Arizona air would be anathema to a slug.

  8. Yes, you are in the worst part of the summer in Phoenix. September 15th seems to be the day when one can start to open the windows at nights at least.
