Tuesday, June 14, 2016

A Walk in the Park

I took a walk at Papago Park Sunday morning before it got too warm.   It was quite pleasant.  
Not too many people about.  The lagoon water was very still so it made great reflections of the palm grove.

The cattails were tall and seemed to be framing the picnic ramada.

Those purple flowers I featured yesterday were blooming all around the lagoon.

And the dragonflies were buzzing all around and keeping an eye on things.
Doesn't this one look like he's smiling?


  1. Super photos, Sharon! I love the reflection shot & that is a great capture of the dragonfly!

  2. The gossamer wings of the dragonflies are so beautiful. Your photos are a delight to see.

  3. Beautiful reflection! What ARE those purple flowers -- do you know?

  4. Now this park I remember well. It's so distinctive. And I used to swim here a lot; did a lot of high diving. Thanks for the memories! Love your photos!

  5. The dragonfly shot is amazing, Sharon! Love that reflection too!

  6. Great photos, especially the macros.

  7. We've been there a time or two. That third picture is especially well composed.

  8. Fab images Sharon. Walking here would hopefully bring calm to your soul after the dreadful happenings of this week.

  9. A nice collection, but it is hard to move on from the first reflection image. Excellent.
