Monday, May 23, 2016 that?

Who is that peeking out from a hole in a saguaro cactus?  I believe it's a Western Screech-owl.  I have  an early morning bird-watcher to thank for this photo.  I never would have spotted him without her help.

This house finch was enjoying his reflection and an occasional drink of water.

This fellow appears to be feathering his nest.

And this Gila Woodpecker was on his morning rounds.
A 6:00 AM walk around the Desert Botanical Garden on Sunday morning was very productive for bird sightings.  I must say that now that summer is approaching and the winter long exhibit has been dismantled, the garden is back to being a great place for a long walk.  I know that the art exhibits the garden has during the fall, winter and spring months produces a huge amount of income for the garden but, it's always nice when the crowds are gone and the garden is once again peaceful and full of wildlife.


  1. Fine bird snaps and the owl photo is unique.

  2. Great bird photo's, I've been watching them around our garden of late

  3. that gave me a great big smile. Thank you.

  4. The wildlife is nice to see! We're seeing more birds in our garden again, too.

  5. Gosh! Everyone a gem Sharon, first and second are favourite but all are good! Definitely worth getting up early for!

  6. Oh well done! Fantastic bird spotting & shots! I love the reflection one!

  7. That first photo is priceless! What a wonderful place to wander about and take photos. Love that wee finch watching its reflection.

  8. Very delightful birdl photos! The one with the reflection is perfect and the owl is unique!!

  9. I like the owl in the saguaro cactus, but also the other bird photos are superb, Sharon !

  10. I know that some birds tend to nest in hollows of cacti, but it's odd to actually see it!

  11. I'm not a nature photographer but these are terrific. The owl shot is priceless.

  12. Four for four with great shots. The first shot is a real attention grabber, Sharon!
