Sunday, May 22, 2016

Lunch at the Museum

On Friday I met my friend Janet for lunch at the Heard Museum.  I arrived early so I could walk around and take photos of some of the outdoor sculptures.  The museum is composed of four buildings.  The main museum building straight ahead in this photo, the gift shop to the right in this photo and the cafe to the left.  There is one more building with offices and meeting rooms located behind me.  They all are arranged around this wonderful courtyard area.

I love the fountain that runs down the center of the  courtyard with two round pools and the long canal of water.    When I sit outside for lunch here, I enjoy watching the birds fly down to the fountain for quick drinks.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  A visit to one of Chicago's architectural gems.


  1. I am fond of courtyard structures, especially with fountains in them. This looks like a really good one, plus you have the bonus of a great museum. Things have really changed in the Phoenix area since I lived there! Wishing you a great Sunday!

  2. This is a very Southwestern design, isn't it? Sort of a hacienda?

  3. Lunching in an art museum enhances the pleasure of viewing art. Love the idea of being surrounded by good art.

  4. Al fresco lunches in a fine museum courtyard? Pretty nice, Sharon.

  5. That really is a beautiful fountain :) and it looks like a nice sun-shiny day!

  6. Meet you here for lunch sometime in the future Sharon 😃

  7. I like the fountain, it is refreshing.
