Friday, May 20, 2016

Colorful Umbrellas

There are several restaurants on the south side of the Biltmore Fashion Square shopping center and it seems like all of them have some outdoor seating.  It makes for quite a collection of colorful umbrellas running down the length of the center.


  1. This is just the way I like my photos... colourful.

  2. Bela e colorida fotografia urbana.
    Um abraço e bom fim de semana.

  3. Lovely and bright and sunny! Puts me in the mood for a vacation!

  4. It's all very attractive but I can't imagine eating outside in Phoenix no matter how many umbrellas are over my head. It's the same here. Get me in where it's cool! :)

  5. Have you ever seen the movie "The Umbrellas of Cherbourg"? These are from the sequel, "The Umbrellas of Phoenix." :)

  6. I can hardly wait to be out under an umbrella having a snack & a pint! It is supposed to be warm here this weekend finally and it is a long weekend so hurray!

  7. They look fantastic.. summer's on the way! Meanwhile here it's black skies and rain.. can't complain we need it so much. Have a lovely weekend Sharon.

  8. I can't see outdoor seating going much further into the year in Phoenix. Lots of restaurants have outdoor gas heaters for chilly evenings but I don't think there is an equivalent for AC.

    C and I have noticed that we are usually fine with outdoor seating in Europe but don't often do it here. Different situation with traffic and pedestrians. Although I must say the News Cafe in Miami Beach has one of the best outdoor terraces in the world.

  9. Can't have enough outdoor dining for me, so long as the temperatures are good and the dining areas aren't too close to the cars.
