Thursday, May 19, 2016

Bus Stop

All over the Valley of the Sun (the Phoenix metropolitan area) there are artistic bus shelters in certain locations.

When I was in Mesa last weekend, I found this bus stop shelter right in front of the high-rise building I featured yesterday.  This has to be one of the most elaborate bus shelter I've spotted around the valley.

I found out it was designed by Joe Tyler and placed there in 2002.  The design consists of a dome supported by artificial palm trees.  Perhaps the artist was inspired by all the palm trees that surround the building.


  1. Hi Sharon! What a fantastic bus shelter! Brilliant design for the area!

  2. That's great! I love it when sculptural forms can be integrated into a structure with practical purpose.

  3. Made me smile Sharon :) what a fantastical construction! Got to love the quirky touch of the weather vane :)

  4. Waiting for a bus
    is a pain in the rear
    but a cozy little shelter
    makes the pain less severe.

  5. It sure is a lot nicer than those that we have.

  6. Compared to shelters here this one is pretty darn classy. I can hardly wait to see the buses.

  7. That has to be the fanciest bus shelter ever, Sharon!

  8. Very fancy! Nothing like that around here, that's for sure!

  9. I think that must be one of the prettiest bus shelters I've ever seen!

  10. Isn't that cool! Haven't seen one like that before.

  11. Probably the most stylish bus stop I have ever seen.
