Saturday, April 9, 2016

Knee Deep

Do birds have knees?  I watched this mourning dove enjoying a dip in the water yesterday at the Desert Botanical Garden.  He splashed around and got a few drinks.

And then he just sort of hunkered down and enjoyed the cool water.  It tempted me to take off my shoes and join him but, (sigh) I didn't.

We had a wonderful rain shower Thursday night so on Friday morning I headed to the garden for a walk while it was still cool out.  I was greeted by a parking lot that was completely full.  I almost decided to leave but when I found a spot I decided to see why there was such a crowd there.  The garden had two events going on.  I'll show you more tomorrow.


  1. I don't know if birds have knees. But I do know that you have two real nice photos of a dove.

  2. I am drawing a blank here...

  3. Excellent photos, Sharon. In that first shot, the reflection almost makes it appear the bird does have knees. I've heard of bee's knees before, but not bird's knees. Who knew from knees?

  4. Really great shots of the dove. Looks to be enjoying its dip!

  5. The bird does seem content. I remember watching a crow once splashing around in a pool of water, and the only apparent reason was just for the fun of it.

  6. I've just retrieved the 6th pigeon egg from my balcony this year. So while this isn't a pigeon, I... ummm... :-)

  7. Such clear reflections and wonderful poses!
