Saturday, March 12, 2016

Private Gardens

Last Sunday I joined my friend Glenda for a private garden tour that was sponsored by the Desert Botanical Garden.  We visited the gardens of three houses all located in different parts of Paradise Valley.  The first house we visited was owned by a ceramic artist whose work I've featured on this blog before.  I've seen her fabulous ceramic totems at the Shemer Gallery.  Click to link to see one of those posts.

I took a lot of photos at this house because there was so much to see.  The yard was filled with all kinds of cactus and quite a lot of fabulous art work to go with it.

The house is located in the foothills so the lot has just a slight up and down feel to it.

On one side of the yard, these rusty turtles were walking along the block wall.

I think the iron turtles were keeping company with the real turtles who occupied one corner of the yard.

Tomorrow I'll show you some of the art pieces that were in this gorgeous garden.


  1. What a great place to explore the wonders of the southwest. Love both kinds of turtles. One thing, wouldn't want to come home after a late night in town and stumble into a cactus patch! :)

  2. A very interesting and beautiful garden!

  3. The round cacti and the real turtle really catch my eye, Sharon.

  4. That is quite a yard for an artist to have! I remember those totems from when you showed us before, Sharon!

  5. The seats are a bit prickly :-) but I love love love it!

  6. When I see a place like this, I try to imagine how it must feel to live there. The artist appears to be quite busy but I hope that he has enough leisure time to enjoy his own environment.
