Friday, March 11, 2016

Heard Museum Indian Fair & Market, part 2

I had to show you one more post from the Indian Fair and Market even though I don't know the name of this artist.  I must have been so excited to see these beautiful figures that I totally forgot to pick up her card.  I do know that is was a young woman who made them.

She mentioned that this pot with the figures around the top was just completed the night before and she sold it as soon as the event opened on Saturday.  I didn't ask how much because I'm pretty certain it was somewhere between one to two thousand dollars.  I enjoyed admiring it from a distance.


  1. Symbolic figures in Native American art is always interesting. I have had a small statue of a "story teller' for years that I bought in Santa Fe, not nearly as expensive as the one you mentioned, tho.

  2. Goodness that was a well rewarded nights work Sharon :) it is pretty fab though! Love the cheery figurines very much, would have been tempted :)

  3. Oh, I like these a lot. Colorful and whimsical!

  4. The artist must be a happy person.

  5. I like the smily fAces!

  6. A modern take on the traditional pots.

  7. The pot is beautiful. Love the colors. Glad to hear she is having so much success too!

  8. Yes, I love the bowl with the katsinas.

  9. So pretty! I just love those cheerful smiling faces.
