Monday, March 21, 2016

Play Me, I'm Yours

I didn't know that Mesa had a "street piano" project until I saw these two pianos at the Mesa Art Center last Friday.  I like this one with its "Blue Willow" look.

This one has a sky-like paint job complete with a soaring bird.  The sparkles on the side are a nice way to catch the bright sunlight.

While I was there looking at the interesting installations, there were several helicopters flying overhead and circling the area.  After hearing their roar for most of the time I was there,  I finally turned my camera skyward and captured this shot of the Mesa Police helicopter.  I'm not sure I'd enjoy flying around in this one with the open doors!


  1. Love them, wish I could play. We get our fair share of police copters round here as well

  2. Pretty fancy pianos. I saw a project like this in Toronto but never saw anyone play a tune.

  3. A great project, I piano tuner that I know is in charge of the Stockholm version of this project.

  4. We had these in Toronto for awhile. Loved seeing all the different designs and especially hearing people playing them!

  5. Were you tempted Sharon :) I can't play a note but I AM always tempted to try!

  6. We have a street piano project too, but our pianos don't look nearly as nice. Wonder what the helicopters were flying around for? You'll have to check the local news and let us know!

  7. The first piano really stands out. I can't play a note, but there's a piano in our City Hall waiting for anyone who'd like to play a bit.

  8. I've seen this idea before, and like it very much. I remember a video of a guy playing classical music in a Paris Metro station...he was incredible, then he was joined by another guy and they two of them went on and on to perform a wonderful concert. When finished, they got up and went their separate ways.

    I think the helicopter is looking for a felon or two! :)

  9. I like that top one too! We did have a similar thing here in Toronto a few years ago and some people were quite good entertainers!

  10. I have seen these things a couple of years ago around Paris...

  11. There's a grand piano in the lobby of the Musical Instrument Museum and I've heard guests play it stirringly a couple of times.

  12. I have seen "play me" pianos on other people's blogs, but I have never come across one myself. Isn't it a great idea?

  13. Love these pianos. Occasionally I see one or two in the past few summers, but about 4-5 years ago they appeared all over town with a different artist drawing/painting on each piano. A terrific site and like your in you photos they were bright and cheerful
