Sunday, March 20, 2016

Many Hands

The Festival that was going on at the Mesa Art Center on Friday was called Spark, A Festival of Creativity.  One of my favorite things I saw there was this installation called Many Hands Make Light Sound Work.  You wave your hands over the place marked with the hand prints and lights come on at the top of the tubes and musical tones sound.  It was just me and that youngster playing them when I was there so, I can only imagine how great they would sound with lots of people participating.

Right behind the sound poles was this tree all strung with lights and a sort of hand operated board where melodies play and the lights light up when different parts of the board are touched.  This young man was demonstrating it for me.  It really did sound like the tree was making music all by itself.  Two very fun concepts that were very enjoyable to experience.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  It's a polo match in the true home of polo.


  1. What fun, especially being able to be a kid again and try out all the musical poles! The Science Museum in St Paul has a giant flight of stairs that has musical chimes when a foot falls on a step. Loads of fun when a crowd is on it going from one floor to another.

  2. I can't imagine why this place isn't jammed with people. I'd be out there with you enjoying the lights and sounds!

  3. Very unique and great fun for everyone! I hope it got more crowded later, Sharon!

  4. Whatever happened to the good old days, when we just stared at paintings in a museum?

  5. I'd love to see and here that. Catalyst must do a fast forward. A lot of art is a two way street now.

  6. I'm loving the image of you 'playing' Sharon, two super fun installations :)

  7. Interesting! It would be cool to see these at night, when the lights would probably make more of an impact.

  8. This looks like fun. I like interactive installations like this.
