Thursday, December 3, 2015

The Season is Heating Up

Have you noticed that the holiday season is upon us in full force?  Everywhere you look, there are lights and trees and all kinds of tempting things.  I thought this bench full of holiday pillows was kind of fun.  I especially like the one that says "Be Naughty, Save Santa the Trip."


  1. Same thing here. My mother always told me to beware of naughty girls. \(ˆ˚ˆ)/

  2. Even though it is over commercialized, I still LOVE the Christmas holiday and often wish I were a kid again. Great pillows!

  3. I like naughty, too. We were at the mall yesterday for a brief time and you can't even walk the aisles in the store or the main aisles in the mall. Everywhere there is new Christmas crap. Amazing all the junk we import from China!

  4. Ha! You are too nice to be naughty, Sharon. I am seeing holiday stuff in my brief time in Naples, too, but so long as it is after Thanksgiving, that is just fine with me. The bright red and green and gold colors are so warm and inviting, and the spirit of Christmas is mostly happy and warm.

  5. Here it is in full force from early October!

  6. Be naughty... save Santa the trip: that's perfect!

  7. Really? I hadn't noticed. (he said sarcastically)

  8. The decorations are all up here - including my tree! I love all the lights on the Ku'damm.

  9. That is a good one! Maybe I'll use that saying on my grandkids since they will be at my house for Christmas this year.

  10. You're not kidding Sharon, but it's nice now that it's actually December. Love the 'be naughty save Santa a trip' Would like it on a tee shirt :)

  11. I think he will:) He is just busy at the moment.... Nice red Christmas pillows. I wish I had some with English text. In case Father Christmas do not speak / read Norwegian.
