Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Holiday Parties

Have you been going to a lot of holiday parties lately?  It certainly is that time of year when friends, families and colleagues get together to celebrate the season.  I snapped this photo at one such party at a good friend's house.  Good friends, good wine and good food add up to a fun time and a sparkling Christmas tree in the background makes it just about perfect.


  1. Looks a wonderful home and evening ahead. Like your composition with such a clear image through the wine carafe.

  2. Wonderful composition Sharon, you captured the festive feel of the evening perfectly.I wonder how many of us will be making 'losing five kilos' a New Year's resolution :)

  3. I love holiday parties, and a good wine...

  4. I used to go to holiday parties many years ago when I was a working stiff. Not so any more.

  5. I'm too exhausted!!! Cheers Sharon (and I'll actually have an Orangina because if I have wine in this state of exhaustion, I might embarrass you!!!)

  6. Not too much partying for me this year but I hope to make up for it in the new year. ;-))

  7. Dave & Julie's house? Looks very nice. And it also looks like someone's been in the wine for sure! Great fun! Love the composition, here. You are an artist with a camera!

  8. Now I am feeling terrible. I haven't been to any holiday parties so far, though some are on the calendar for next week.

  9. I like the way the tree lights shine through the glass.

  10. Such a shiny picture, just the right one to demonstrate the spirit of the season.

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