Friday, November 20, 2015


Olive trees are plentiful in the Phoenix area and every now and then I'll come across one that is full of fruit.  I liked the look of this one because I could capture both ripe and green olives.  I love them both!  Of course it's going to take a bit of processing to get these beauties to the edible stage.  I'll leave that job to the experts.


  1. When I saw your photo it suddenly dawned on me that I had never seen a olive outside of the dinner table. Nice shot Sharon.

  2. I love olive trees. We have them in abundance here in the south of Europe. Wonderful photo.

    Mersad Donko Photography

  3. You just reminded me...I need to add olives to my shopping list. Love the composition of your image.

  4. I love olive trees, too. They remind me of Morocco. I actually see quite a few of them here in England, but rarely with fruit.

  5. I can only remember the mess of having olive trees in AZ... but I do love olives especially the ones with almonds inside.

  6. Very familiar! Portuguese olive oil is very good.

  7. Very familiar to me too, I spent a few days early in November in Tuscany, where the olive harvest was in full swing...

  8. Super edible image Sharon :) perfect bokeh!

  9. Olives are one of my absolute favorite foods. My parents always said that my first word was not mommie or daddy but "ollie." In the almost 40 years I lived in Phoenix I don't think I ever saw an olive tree bearing fruit. I know they are frequently sprayed to keep that from happening. I presume it's because the fruit is dropped and the ensuing mess is -- well, a mess. Seems like there's something to do with allergies too. Anyway I think you've managed a delightful catch with this photo. Of now I'm wondering how those who do cultivate olives keep the birds from getting to them first!

  10. This is such a gorgeous "still life"! Frame it and hang it!

  11. What has to be done before they're edible? I'd be awfully tempted to put those right in my mouth!

  12. I've never seen them on a tree either, Sharon! Didn't know you would have them there.

  13. I love olive trees, so much symbolism. And I love olives. And olive oil. And your photo...

  14. They are beautiful and I love your closeup! I don't think I have ever seen an olive tree in person before.

  15. More proof that olives are voluptuous, even decadent. No wonder Rome fell.

  16. I've never seen them on a tree either!
