Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Family Dinner

I posted a similar photo a while ago but once again I caught a family having dinner together in total silence.  They had just placed their order and out came the mobile devices. One for each of them.

After they finished eating they were right back at the devices.  They didn't even see me taking the photos.  It really is kind of sad!


  1. LOL! Amazing. And you're right, it IS kind of sad.

  2. Mobile devices are perfect for mute people...!
    A common scene here too...

  3. I hate these scenes. What can we do to revrse this trend?

  4. Not an uncommon sight anymore. I've got to say I've been guilty of checking my phone while out at dinner. Not in a group like this, but still... It becomes habitual. Not a good thing, either.

  5. It's scenes like this that make me feel better about always forgetting to turn my phone on when I go out. Although it has irritated a few people that couldn't reach me for a while.

  6. Very sad. Pretty soon people won't even know how to talk to each other anymore. :(

  7. And this is the sort of thing that leads to social ineptness in the long run!

  8. That is amazing, Sharon! And really distressing.

  9. Absolutely and totally sad! You shot an emblematic picture of our times...

  10. I still remember the first time I saw such a scene in a restaurant...

  11. A common sight these days. Very sad.

  12. I remember the last one Sharon. Gosh what happened to family nights out where chatting was on the menu!

  13. It's sad that we don't talk face-to-face anymore. I will not touch my phone when I am out having a meal at a restaurant. I would rather engage in a conversation instead.

    1. Good on you! As a family, we made it a rule to leave our phones in the glove box (except one) before going into a restaurant... We take the social occasion of eating out (or even in) very seriously.

  14. makes want to go and bang the table and scream at them.GROW UP

  15. I can't stand seeing any more "gatherings" such as this. iPhones are a plague everywhere!

  16. It is both depressing and distressing!
