Thursday, November 5, 2015

Escape from Earth and other adventures

Last Saturday I went to the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Arts to see what exhibits were on.  I found some interesting exhibits that I enjoyed seeing.  I think my favorite was one called "Orion Tide" represented above by this somewhat fuzzy photo I took.

I snapped a second photo with my cell phone but the darkness and the movement in the display made photography pretty tricky.  The artist is Kelly Richardson, a young woman who "crafts video installations that offer imaginative glimpses into the future and prompt a careful consideration of the present."  She states that Orion Tide is created from a photo of the Texas desert to which she has added the continuos eruption of rocket-like vehicles into the night sky.  She leaves the message open to interpretation but, as I sat there watching it, I had a feeling that it was message of all of us humans escaping the planet for some unknown reason.

The artist had another piece there which was a huge picture of the surface of Mars complete with blowing dust and moving debris that was left there by our explorations.  It was so big, it felt like you could walk right into it and find yourself standing on Mars.  Here is a link to her site.  There is a picture of the Mars piece on the banner of her site.


  1. Fascinating, especially the 'trip' to Mars!

  2. Interesting! I'd love to see these installations in person.

  3. I thought at first the lights were street lights in the Arizona desert. Maybe I ought to stay out of the SMCA! :)

  4. I like this work very much, but it's hard for me to think of it as art...

  5. I like it. And I can't help wondering if the artist ever saw the fireworks at the palace because this looks so much like them...

  6. I like it too, Sharon! The Mars installation looks pretty cool too.

  7. I am reminded here of science fiction imagery.

  8. That's way cool. Didn't know about this museum. Next time . . .

  9. Museums like this are always a great experience. Your photos are very enjoyable.

  10. Sounds like a really interesting exhibit. I like works of art that make you think.

  11. This must have been incredible to see Sharon, the mars piece looks amazing too. I DO love the artistic mind :)

  12. It must be fantastic to see this in person.
