Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dia de los Muertos

Early Sunday morning I headed to the Desert Botanical Garden to catch a few of the dia de los muertos events going on.

I found a display of several dia de los muertos altars built by different local artists.  This one was outside near the entertainment area.  Others were found in one of the exhibition halls.

When I was getting ready to leave, I came across a group of native American dancers dancing to a steady drum beat.  There were a lot of things happening at the garden that day but I couldn't stay for them all.  I had to move on the the next event that was on my schedule.


  1. Those are very well turned out skeletons, beautiful costumes!

  2. Ah day of the dead, not so popular over here

  3. You have a Sunday morning "schedule"? I'm impressed. Not so impressed with the fascination about deadness. Love that last shot, though - you caught the movement and the expression perfectly!

  4. Super vibrant images Sharon, I love how in the last shot the dancer's head wear seems to blend and become part of the plant behind.

  5. That first shot is so colorful and finding the dancers must have been a treat!

  6. Quite strange and a bit scary, in a fascinating way...

  7. Wonderful, Sharon! You had such a busy day!

  8. I do like the Day of the Dead celebrations. So colorful! A good way to approach the sensitive topic of death.

  9. These are fabulous Sharon! And I'm a bit jealous that we have nothing like it here (well except Allsaints which is pretty gloomy and solemn!)

  10. Dia de los muertos is a deeply strange Mexican tradition. Lots of societies invoke the dead but no other is so over the top.

  11. I think that I might have been tempted to stay to watch and to look!

  12. I might have told that I really like everything regarding Mexico. I hope I will come back to enjoy Dia de los Muertos.

  13. Dia de los Muertos was only inside when we were living in Chandler, I am glad they extended their celebration outside.
    Days have only 24 hours Sharon and it seems you are living them fully, Sharon!

  14. You are one busy lady these days!
