Monday, October 5, 2015

Trees & Bees

Does anyone remember these trees?  I posted a photo of these same trees two years ago when I visited this place out in Cave Creek Arizona.  You can see that post here.  Sunday was a gorgeous fall day in the Phoenix area, perfect weather for taking a drive somewhere.  I headed north out toward Cave Creek and Carefree and along the way I passed this place so I decided to stop.  It's grown by quite a bit since I was there two years ago and there is more construction going on with all kinds of different styles of landscaping on display.  The trees are Aloe Dichotomy, native to Africa.

There was of course, a wide variety of cactus for sale on the property including some barrel cacti that were in full bloom.  This one was especially popular with the bees.

On my way out, I noticed this building that looks like it's for display purposes.  It made a very nice southwestern scene with all those cactus and the adobe construction.  With all the construction going on at this place, I'll have to make a point of visiting again in another year or two and see what they've done.


  1. I remember it well, how time flies!

  2. The foliage in your part of the world sometimes makes it seem like another planet! Is it my imagination, or are those Easter Island statues in the back left of that first photo?

  3. That first landscape is gorgeous !

  4. I like the "busy as a bee" photo.

  5. Quite a change in just 2 years.
    Get a 'buzz' on?

  6. What a coincidence, Sharon! :-) Your Aloes and my Dragos are in fact similar and both very strange! Love them.

  7. I had probably skipped the previous post... Amazing! the look has changed, probably not the price :-)

  8. Love the photos, especially the first one. What strange trees those are.

  9. They are so odd, Sharon! I wonder if someone will buy them one day.

  10. You have a wide assortment of flora to choose from here. I do like those African trees...don't think I've seen them before. And I always love the blooming cactus.

  11. The bees certainly are having a good time!

  12. They're quite pretty, and alien to my eyes.

  13. Despite the beauty of these scenes, isn't it clear? Metro Phoenix keeps growing. More people, more water, more cars. How long can it go on?

  14. The blooming barrel cacti are awesome. Cacti in bloom are unsurpassed in beauty. Bob's comment is thought provoking!

  15. You have a journalist's instincts for follow-up and analysis, Sharon.

  16. I do remember those trees Sharon.. seriously could that first shot be any more Arizona! Lot's of yummy pollen for the busy bees :)
