Monday, October 19, 2015

Story in Paint


Today I'm going back to the Phoenix Art Museum for another Arts and Flowers entry.  This one was one of my favorites and it might be because of the colors and that the painting it represents is one of my favorite paintings.

The painting is called "Story in Paint" and it's dated 1935 by Aline Meyer Liebman.  Liebman was born in Los Angeles and studied at Barnard College.  The flower arrangement is really more of a construction than a full blown floral piece but I do think it mimics the painting beautifully.


  1. The colours match perfectly.

  2. I didn't know the painting, I love the idea of recreating works of art with flower arrangements!

  3. A pretty close resemblance. I'd never heard of flower arrangements mimicking works of art until I saw it on your blog awhile back. Delightful!

  4. This is a terrific arrangement to complement the painting. Good selection, Sharon. Note to Lowell: Where have you been; I've been also posting these painting/arrangements from the MIA every April! :)

  5. Couldn't find a more perfect representation for this artwork Sharon and yes, I do enjoy seeing these painting/floral creations on Kate's blog too :)

  6. This is a great representation of the painting, Sharon!

  7. Not my kind of art, but I see an amazing resemblance!

  8. Gee, this is an elaborate one. Where I have seen these events, I'm not sure this would have been eligible, because so much is non-flower.

  9. I like the style, Southwestern with some Georgia O'Keefe touches. We have a flowers and art thing at SLAM from time to time. Makes for great shooting.

  10. I love that museum. I'm always drawn to the Oriental section.
