Sunday, October 18, 2015

Opera Night

Friday night was the opening night for the opera season and the American premier of the opera "Arizona Lady".  I told you a bit about it earlier this month when I got the opportunity to visit the home of the Arizona Opera Company.  You can see that post here.
My friend David is a patron of the opera company and he treated me to both the tour two weeks ago and the show Friday night.  Thank you David!  I loved it.

It really helped to get the story behind the opera's composer and his time spent in the United States during World War II.  Knowing that history helped me to see the humor and love that went into creating such a fun opera.  It was billed as his love letter to Arizona and that it was.  Two or three times I wanted to sing along to big Arizona ballad.  Luckily for everyone around me, I didn't.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  Take a peek inside (and out) of the Los Angeles County Museum of Art.


  1. What a treat Sharon, I haven't been to the theatre for ages, must check what's on in Perth.

  2. Saw this on a post of Tucson Daily Photo. It obviously serves both cities very well! We have dropped our MN Opera subscription this year since we have OD'd on opera, but this one looks lighter and lots of fun!

  3. Brilliant! I hope you took a few more pics - but maybe they weren't allowed!

  4. I've never been to any kind of opera but this one looks enticing! Love your photo! As re your singing, I refuse to comment. It would probably have been very good, though.

  5. Never been to the opera in my life, yet, glad you enjoyed it.

  6. A great opera you seem to have fully enjoyed.

  7. Love that curtain! It would be such a treat to see this performance!

  8. Beautifully framed shot!

  9. Different than the opera I've been featuring! The screen does have a very western feel in its design.

  10. A wonderful screen, Sharon! Glad you enjoyed it!

  11. Nice, Sharon. It must have been more meaningful after you learned about it before hand.

  12. I have never heard of this, now I'm curious...

  13. A perfect composition. I really like this shot.
